Cosmic Whales

by Johanna Schumacher
Original - Not For Sale
Not Specified
22.000 x 30.000 inches
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Cosmic Whales
Johanna Schumacher
Painting - Watercolor
Have you been to the top of Mauna Kea on the Big Island of Hawaii? That is what inspired the creation of this watercolor. The milky way is so clear and palpable up there. Last time I was up there was for Perseid's meteor shower and was beyond inspired by the beauty and clarity. The fire element itself was a great way for me to play with light and the spectrum it creates. From flaming red hot to the cool blues of the cool side of a stone, it was a lot to capture in one picture. There is something so graceful about whales that I wanted to include them in some way. Why not make the flying through space? My imagination surprises me all of the time. What inspires your creativity?
March 25th, 2019